Starting a New Student Organization
Recognition of new student organizations occurs only in the fall semester.
The TCU Judiciary recognizes student organizations that are already active. If you have not yet hosted meetings or events, please keep the following in mind:
Do not use the Tufts name, logo, or mascot in your organization’s name (i.e., Tufts Weather Club should instead be Weather Club).
Keep a record of all the public events you host in your first year - Instagram and Facebook event screenshots are fine to use when applying for recognition.
Begin drafting a group constitution. Make sure your constitution includes an Anti-Discrimination Clause, University Policy Adherence Clause, the TCUJ Clause and a membership definition. More details on these clauses are listed under Recognition. Please see our constitution writing guidelines for formatting information.
Attend the New Organization Information Meeting in the fall if you want to get a better sense of the process and feel free to email questions to
At the beginning of each fall semester, new and un-recognized clubs should:
Complete the New Student Organization Application Form found on the Office for Campus Life’s website between mid-August and late September.
Attend the New Organization Information Meeting.
If “Yes, I am ready to be considered for recognition” was selected, be prepared to meet with the Judiciary before Thanksgiving Break, detailed in our Student Organization Recognition webpage.