Supplementary Funding & Bookmarks (Allocations Board)
Note: All Supplementary Funding and Bookmark Requests below $2000 can be heard and approved by the TCU Treasurer during their Office Hours.
The Allocations Board (ALBO) is responsible for hearing weekly supplementary funding requests; its voting members are internally elected from within Senate and the board is chaired by the Treasurer. In the spring, each member is assigned a council and is responsible for budgeting all student organizations within it.
ALBO MEETINGS: Clubs that submit submit a supplementary funding/bookmark request above $2000 will be scheduled for the next Allocation Board (ALBO) meeting.
WHAT TO EXPECT: During your time slot you'll meet ten Allocations Board members from the TCU Senate who are responsible for hearing supplemental funding requests each week. It can seem intimidating when you arrive, but we promise it is pretty chill and we're excited to learn more about your club and the programming you're planning!
WHAT TO PREPARE: We'll do a round of introductions, then you'll be asked to explain your request and any relevant details (for example, things like the date and purpose of the event/request, why this event is relevant and important to your club's mission, how many students are expected to attend, etc.). The Allocations Board may then ask you a few follow-up questions regarding the request, so it is important that whoever attends the meeting from your club is knowledgeable about the request and can answer questions about it. Next steps will be shared at the meeting.