Treasury Forms
Note: All forms must be submitted in-person at the Treasury Office (Campus Center Room 215). No notification will be provided once a form is approved––only submitters of unapproved forms will receive an Email from the TCU Treasury.
Used to reimburse group members for past purchases that are itemized in a group’s budget
Please attach a physical receipt and ensure that the individual being reimbursed differs from the club signatory approving the request
Application for the Use of the Credit Card:
May be used to pay any vendor who accepts credit card payments over the phone or through a secure website
Use this for: food orders, travel arrangements, Amazon orders, club supplies, etc.
Once approved, credit card orders must be made at the Campus Life Financial Office (213 Mayer Campus Center)
Supplementary Funding Request:
May be used by TCU-funded groups requesting additional funding to cover unforeseen expenses or redeem bookmarks for speakers, and events
A spreadsheet with all proposed expenses must be attached to any Supplementary Funding Request submitted
Supplementary requests below $2000 may be approved by the TCU Treasurer. Requests above $2000 will be scheduled for the next ALBO meeting.
Used to pay internal or external vendors that have provided your group a service
Must be attached to a Basic Service Agreement or Contract created by the Office of Campus Life
All Other Forms: Including the Deposit Form, Request to Disburse Charitable Funds, etc.