what is tcu senate?
TCU Senate is the main governing body for Tufts undergraduate students. Senate tasks include:
Writing and passing resolutions
Resolutions serve as strong lobbying tools that express to the Tufts administration the wants and needs of the student body. They speak as a collective voice and are instrumental in enacting systemic changes.
Allocating and approving budgets and supplementary funding requests for all TCU-recognized groups
TCU Senate allocates all revenue generated by the undergraduate student activities fee, totaling over $2 million. This money is used to fund all TCU-recognized student organizations.
Actively communicating with the Tufts student body to represent their needs and interests
Tufts students are encouraged to reach out to their Senate members and express any ideas or concerns they have about student life. Senators are also expected to reach out to their constituents and advocate on their behalf.
Initiating and pursuing projects to better student life
Each senator sits on at least one committee and works on projects of their choosing to better the student experience. The committees currently are Administration & Policy (A&P), Community Diversity & Inclusion (CCDI), Education, Outreach, and Services.
who sits on tcu senate?
TCu Senate is composed of:
7 Class Senators for each year voted for by their respective class members for a total of 28 Class Senators.
Note: If a class has less than 7 candidates for their class representative seats, the remaining seats are filled by an at-large election in which any Tufts undergraduate may run. For example, if the Class of 2022 only had 5 candidates for Senate, the 2 unfilled seats are open for candidates of any class to fill.
11 Community Senators with full senatorial powers elected by the entire undergraduate student body, including:
Africana Community Senator
Asian American Community Senator
First Generation College Students Community Senator
Indigenous Peoples’ Community Senator
International Community Senator
Latinx Community Senator
LGBTQIA+ Community Senator
SMFA Community Senator
SWANA Community Senator
Women's Community Senator
Disability Community Senator
4 Trustee Representatives appointed by the Senate body as non-voting members who represent the student body in meetings of the Tufts Board of Trustees.
A total of 43 seats make up the TCU Senate body.
TCU Senate meets every Sunday in the Joyce Cummings Center Room 160. General Meetings begin at 7 PM and are open to the public.
Allocations Board meetings are every Wednesday beginning at 8 PM in Room 220 of the Mayer Campus Center. Student organization representatives receive scheduled appointments from the TCU Treasury.
Please click here to see the TCU Senate Bylaws, which govern Senate in conjunction with the TCU Constitution. The Bylaws were last amended and approved on April 18th, 2023.
For inquiries, please contact TCUSenate@tufts.edu. The Tufts Community Union Office is located in Room 215 of the Mayer Campus Center. Additionally, subscribe to the Senate E-List hear more frequently from Senate.