Class of 2028 Senator (7 Seats)

Spencer Kluger

Free laundry. Longer dining hours. “Snack swipes” at retail locations. A longer add/drop period. Increased club funding. Fun events. These are just some of my goals as YOUR Class Senator. Guided by your interests and my desire to enhance our time here at Tufts, I will work diligently on these objectives and any others that arise. I am confident that my extensive leadership and advocacy experience has prepared me well to take on this role of making substantial positive changes at Tufts. I have enjoyed meeting so many of you so far, and look forward to having the opportunity to represent the whole class soon. If you have any questions or would like additional information, check out my Instagram, @spencer4senator. I cannot wait to be your Class Senator, and remember: Vote with sense, Vote for Spence!

Chinua (CJ) Achebe

My greatest motivation to join the TCU Senate is connection with people across Tufts University. I am committed to uplifting social and intellectual diversity, ensuring everyone has a platform to voice their opinions, interests, and concerns. Communication is central to a thriving community, and I plan to not only highlight but validate the perspectives of our class. Acknowledging the similarities and differences we all share allows for better understanding when coming together to form policy. As a Class Senator I will serve as a liaison between the student body and Tufts Community Union Senate. I cannot wait to share my passions while learning about what causes drive our class.

Gunnar Ivarsson

Being a TCU Senator means advocating for change that impacts us all. I am running for your academic needs: free printing services, expanding textbook trade programs, advocating for a neuroscience major to be made at Tufts. I am running for your student life needs: adding an additional Amazon locker to campus, creating rental luggage services, and expanding Charlie card access. I am running for your housing needs: communal vacuums in dorms, additional vending machines in halls, expanding access to hygiene/cleaning products, and so much more. In the Senate, I will be voicing YOUR needs. My work revolves around the needs of our community. With experience in student government, I know the importance of resolutions on our school. So together, let's make impact that will last, and a movement that creates the best Tufts experience for all of us! Go Jumbos!

Leah Scoppa

I am running for the position for a Class of 2028 Senator because I believe everyone's voice should be heard. As President of my Middle School and High School Student Government, I understand how to communicate and implement policy. I am experienced and knowledgable, but I am also a good listener. I want to listen to all your ideas and let you know that you have been seen and heard. I will do everything in my power to improve your experience at Tufts. Whether it is getting more forks in the dining hall, to getting free black and white printing, to helping students find a more inclusive space, I will be there every step of the way. Please considering voting for me because I will listen and enact change.

Togzhan Zhumadil

I want to serve Jumbos as best as I can. Following my arrival to Carmichael Hall, I was shocked by how drab the older common spaces are compared to the renovated halls, along with the abruptly early closing of the dining halls and the consistent complaints about the difficulty of fund procurement at every GIM. As your class of 2028 senator, I will listen to your voices and prioritize the students. I will improve the majority of neglected common rooms, in aesthetics and utility, through the addition of board games, new equipment and organizing freshman social gatherings. I’ll work to improve how funds are disbursed by serving as a liaison between TCU and the club officers, especially for student organizations that are consistently underfunded. Finally, I’ll work to extend late food selection for freshmen or alternatively create pop-up stands (instant ramen, TJ samosas) that help alleviate that late night hunger.

Shree Susarla

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had an interest in being a part of the student government. I have a passion to speak up for those who can’t have their voices heard, and I love collaborating with other people in order to problem-solve. Although I’ve only been on the Tufts campus for a few weeks, I can already tell that our community is brimming with ideas and opinions, and I would be incredibly honored to be a channel for people to express their thoughts and be a part of the solution. I have lots of experience being a leader; even more so collaborating with other student leaders in a governmental association. As a queer woman of color, I am proud to be in a community as inclusive as Tufts, and I can’t wait to work with you all to make our home even better!

Gracie Felsenthal

When I see something that needs changing, I take initiative and attempt to fix the problem head on, so when talking to my peers about some of Tuft's short comings, I began brainstorming solutions. I realized that despite all of the wonderful resources Tufts provides, they often go unused due to lack of awareness and/or overcomplicated processes. As your 2028 representative, I would not only work to improve accessibility and functionality of current resources, but also create and advocate for additional ones, like providing cooking supplies in dorm kitchens, a printer within each dorm, bathroom shelving for your toiletries, 24/7 accessibility to nutritious food whether via market places/vending machines, and so much more. I have already taken action on the resolutions listed above, by building and installing five-bathroom shelves in Houston Hall, and promoting free resources like the Nolop Center and the Food Solutions Coalition to peers, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. With your support, we can make change, shaping Tufts into the community and environment we want it to be. Join the herd and vote Gracie Felsenthal for Class of 2028 Representative.

For more information, check out my instagram page @felsenthal_for_senate. Thank you!

Logan Elie

In the moments when I am hyping myself up to meet new people, budgeting my summer job money on food and transportation, or hunting for opportunities and things to do on campus, I am reminded of why I am running for class senator. If these are day-to-day struggles that I constantly deal with, I know I can't be the only one trying to manage. I, Logan Gayle Elie, am running because I want to make this time in our lives less stressful than it already is. Voting for me means knowing that while you are away from home, someone in your class is empathizing with your challenges and is working tirelessly to the best of their ability to make meaningful change. You are NOT alone in your college stressors. When you pick me, you vote for someone who is not afraid to go the extra mile to see a difference.

Shefali Bakre

To the student body at Tufts,
My name is Shefali Bakre, and I am a freshman in the College of Engineering. Being at Tufts has been a privilege, and as many of us know, we are one of the few universities in the United States that can pride ourselves on a tight-knit community and positivity. With every new generation of students, we should aim to maintain this impactful atmosphere—one of student-led collaboration, excitement, excellence, and friendship.
With that, I hope to be the voice for our wonderful student body and advocate for your needs! I have many exciting ideas, including student-alumni career fairs, vending machines in dorms, free laundry, a longer add/drop period, menstrual products in dorms, sports and wellness classes, longer dining hours on the weekend, and an increase in the breakfast meal swipe. Know that if you vote for me, I will bring these ideas to fruition!

Ashley Zhang

Advocate for Change. Aspiring Mime (quietly crushing it). Avid Sidechatter. Tufts Wilderness Orientation Survivor (barely). Casual Wildlife Watching Enthusiast (especially the Tufts rabbits). 

Hi, I’m Ashley Zhang, and I’m running to be your Class of 2028 Senator! I’ll work my hardest to make sure your voices are heard, and that I’m the person you’ll feel comfortable chatting with about anything important (or unimportant, I’m flexible). If elected, I’ll fight to increase meal swipe locations, open dining halls like Hodge and Kindlevan on weekends and late nights, start a Tufts student clothing swap for sustainability (thrifting!), create a Downhill Mailroom, add more fruit variety in dining halls, install more shared common room dorm amenities (kettles, TVs, etc.), and make SIS class registration less of a reincarnation of the Hunger Games. Resilient, dedicated, passionate, and always ready for a challenge—join the Zhang Gang and vote Zhang to make a BANG!

Lainey Mihalich

Hi all! Lainey here :) If I am given the honor of being elected, I will work to prioritize inclusivity, open discourse, and fun on campus. Some of my ideas include a campus-wide clothing swap/thrift fair to encourage community engagement and sustainable practices here at Tufts, interclub meals and events to embrace the intersectionality of our students, student involvement and events in downtown Boston, and much more. I would also advocate for opening more dining options during weekends, the expansion of time management and study break resources during midterms to prioritize mental health, and a higher availability of practical groceries on campus. If you would like to see any of these ideas implemented this fall/winter, vote Lainey Mihalich!

Ngone Gningue

Transitioning into college life has been an adjustment for many of us, myself included. Being introduced to campus resources like the StARR Center, SHR, and Ears4Peers during orientation week was a beneficial experience. However, being introduced to all the other campus resources the way Jumboning was presented would give first-years better preparation for their time at Tufts. As TCU Senator, I will advocate for the expansion of campus resources for all Tufts students, especially first-years.

Adam Yalcin

I am running for TCU Senate to help our class thrive. As a leader who is in tune with the needs of our students, I will advocate for the Class of 2028 to the best of my ability. Currently, we have facilities in need of repair. For example, ping pong tables that are virtually unusable in Carmichael Hall. If elected, I vow to improve the day to day life for our students by bringing issues like the ping pong table to light in front of the Senate, and working towards a resolution.

Jesse Kitumba

Hi! I’m Jesse Kitumba, and I’m thrilled to run for Class Senator for the Class of 2028.
I don’t just want to be your senator—I want to be your teammate, your go-to, your ally. My goal? To help turn this diverse, incredible group into a tight-knit community where every one of us feels seen, heard, and—most importantly—connected. Imagine more social events that bring us together, making our first year unforgettable. Let’s tackle the stuff we all grumble about—like those absurd printing costs or the mysterious vanishing forks at Dewick!
But beyond solving problems, I want us to create memories that future classes will envy—moments that make us say, ‘Yeah, we did that.’ Whether it’s a club you’ve been dreaming of starting or a new tradition we create together, I’m here to help make it happen.
Together, we can turn these next four years into something extraordinary.

Nolan Marcus

Hey y'all, I'm Nolan Marcus and I'm running for senator to serve the legendary class of 2028.

Whenever I join a community all I want to do is make friends and see my community succeed. In high school I achieved this and it resulted in amazing friendships, and the knowledge I left my school better than I found it. Now, at Tufts, I seek to do the same.

My goal as a senator is to unite the class of 2028 over the next four years. I want each of you to be able to eat breakfast in Carm, before a class in the JCC, and be able to say hi to every face you see along the way.

I plan on organizing events like kickball on the Res Quad, study sessions in Tisch that end with a food truck, or a tailgate before a football game. So with that being said, let's get our college careers rollin, and vote for Nolan.

Daniel Shamah

Everyone has an agenda, and I will not lie, I do too. However, my agenda is not influenced by my desires and my hopes for Tufts, but yours. No one enjoys listening to the opinions of others, but I do if it means I can make Tufts better for you.

Building a Better Tufts One Vote at a Time

Ethan Cheng

As your TCU senator, I prioritize your access to resources and equity.

My primary advocacy will center around lowering access barriers to campus resources. Whether that means pushing for lower laundry costs, accessible printers in our libraries, or better in-dorm amenities, I want to improve your quality of life here at Tufts. Moreover, I will strive to extend add and drop dates for classes, providing our student body more time to shop around with classes and explore.

Moreover, I intend to work to preserve and strengthen the cultural centers on campus. That includes providing direct lines of communication and advocating for increased funding as needed.

Nick Ferrari

Hi, I’m Nick Ferrari from New Hampshire. If elected, I’ll focus on enhancing student life and giving back to the community. First, I want to address the wasted value of meal swipes. At retail locations like Hodgdon and Kindlevan, swipes convert to a fixed dollar amount, regardless of how little someone buys. This leads to significant unused funds, and I will propose an option to donate the extra value to charity. Next, I’ll work to boost student engagement at campus events and sports games, to help foster a better community and connection as a class. This could include cook-outs at sports games or other events to bring our class closer together. Lastly, I’ll work to expand flexibility for meal swipes and Jumbo Cash, allowing multiple visits to retail locations per meal period and more spending options with Jumbo Cash. Thank you, and remember to vote Nick Ferrari for Fast Results!

Theo Lewis

If elected, I would work to support all students at Tufts. When I first arrived, I felt like I was thrown right into the mix of things. Maybe working to set up some sort of peer mentorship program with new students being paired with returners would be helpful. I think there could be more transparency on where resources are being allocated at the university. This is certainly not a small problem by any means, but one that could be addressed and would provide beneficial information to student body. I think my biggest goal would be to see and hear what others want addressed. I would want everyone to feel like change can be made on campus. By being approachable and an active community member, I hope to gain the trust of the student population and foster a fun environment at Tufts.

Openi Oni

As a freshman at Tufts University, I am running for Senator because I am passionate about making our campus a better place for all students. Being part of a diverse community, I believe in the importance of ensuring every student’s voice is heard, especially as we begin our college journey. My goal is to bring together an inclusive environment where students from all backgrounds feel represented and empowered.

If elected, I plan to work on organizing more social events people actually want, and resources for students to know more about campus opportunities. Additionally, I want to collaborate with administration to improve campus sustainability. By listening to your needs and concerns, I aim to create initiatives that directly benefit our community and contribute to making our freshman year a positive and enriching experience.