TCU Judiciary (TCUJ) (2 Seats)

Lucas forbes

Candidate did not submit a headshot or blurb to ECOM by the deadline.

Will Flamm

Thank you for considering my candidacy for the TCU Judiciary. I am running because I believe the Judiciary plays an essential role in maintaining a fair, transparent, and accountable student government that supports student organizations across campus. With a blend of leadership, legal, and creative experience, I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully and uphold the responsibilities of the Judiciary.

My qualifications stem from diverse experiences. As President of Theta Chi fraternity, I lead a 70+ member organization where I oversee administrative duties, manage events, and represent the fraternity in meetings with school administration. Through this role, I have gained valuable skills in conflict resolution, organizational governance, and advocacy—core responsibilities of the Judiciary. I have also implemented policies to foster inclusivity and strengthen the fraternity’s internal structure. This leadership role has given me extensive experience in managing complex operations, making me well-prepared to contribute to the Judiciary.

I also bring a strong legal background. During my internships with the Public Defender’s Office of Connecticut and the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, I conducted legal research, reviewed critical evidence like body cam footage, and prepared witnesses for direct and cross-examination. I attended arraignments and hearings, gaining hands-on experience in navigating complex legal procedures. Additionally, my involvement in Tufts Mock Trial has deepened my understanding of legal rules, such as the Rules of Evidence, and refined my ability to communicate effectively in high-pressure situations. This legal expertise directly aligns with the Judiciary’s need for detailed, fair decision-making in interpreting and enforcing bylaws.

My academic experience as a Theatre major has also contributed to my qualifications. Directing the last Torn Ticket II production of the year(Heathers) taught me how to manage teams and facilitate collaboration among individuals with diverse viewpoints—a skill that is essential in ensuring fairness and inclusivity in the Judiciary. My ability to bring together different perspectives to solve complex problems makes me well-suited for the thoughtful decision-making required in this role.

If you aren’t already sold, on a personal note, I enjoy keeping things fun. My spot-on impressions are always a hit, and I am a longtime Charli XCX superfan--since before her "brat" days.

One aspect of the Judiciary that excites me is the potential for outreach. The Judiciary often operates behind the scenes, and I would like to increase transparency and approachability, ensuring student organizations feel supported and informed about how they can engage with the Judiciary.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Andrew Menjin

Hello everyone! My name's Andrew Menjin, but you might also know me as "hedgehog guy" or "that RA with a hedgehog".

I'm running for TCU Judiciary because I believe in the enjoying the Tufts experience, and part of that experience is the clubs we have here on campus. People should be able to explore their interests and meet those with similar interests as themselves. As a member of the TCU Judiciary, I want to help make it easier for people to get clubs recognized and get clubs re-recognized quicker. It's important to me that people are able to join clubs and create spaces (with adequate funding from TCU) that foster a welcoming environment for all!

I hope I can count on your vote to make Tufts an even better place for all students!