International Community Senator (1 Seat)

Naisha Luthra

Having lived in India, Africa, and now the U.S., I’ve navigated the unique challenges of being an international student. But beyond that, I’ve come to see that we all face hurdles, whether we're from halfway across the globe or just down the street. That’s why I want to ensure every student—international or not—feels heard and supported. My goal is to bridge the gap between international and domestic students by promoting and organizing campus-wide events that celebrate our diversity. I also plan to advocate for more accessible resources for students navigating both academic and social life, such as expanding mentorship programs and creating more transparent lines of feedback. As a part of the Senate, I would place a huge focus on developing the community. One thing I'll be sure to implement is frequent residence hall mixers and social events. This could include weekly movie nights, cooking sessions, and more.

Keyi Chen

Hi, I'm Keyi Chen, a freshman who believes that student voices are the driving force behind meaningful change on campus. I’m running to represent your needs, ideas, and concerns. As a passionate student at Tufts, I’ve connected with various communities and experienced firsthand the challenges we face. I will advocate for improved campus and dorm facilities, promote food safety and diverse cuisine, and ensure every student’s voice is heard and valued. Together, we can make our campus more inclusive and vibrant for students of all backgrounds.

As our motto, "Pax et Lux," reflects, Tufts should be a place that brings peace and light to every student—not only academically, but in every part of college life. Vote for me to make your voice heard!